1. Create a new project
1a. Click 'Projects' in the green menu bar.
1b. Click 'Create'
1c. Complete the following fields:
Project Name is anything you like, for example "Tests for Manager June 2014". Bear in mind that candidates will see the names of your projects.
Access Key is a code which allows candidates to self-register themselves to the system and take the tests in your project. For example you could put "june2014". Be careful not to widely distribute your project Access Key since this code allows anyone to signup and take the tests in your project. Give it out only to candidates you want to assess.
Expiry Date is optional. The project will automatically lock after this date so allow enough overrun in any deadline you enter here.
Support Name is the name of the person in your organisation who will deal with candidate inquiries relating to the assessments (quite possibly you!)
Support Email is the email address candidates see as the sender of project emails. For example when your candidate gets invited to take an assessment, it will come from this email address. Feel free to put our email or you can use your email address.
Description is optional. This is useful to describe what the project is, for example you could put "One numerical test and one verbal test for the position of Manager." This description will be visible to candidates.
Email Reports to is optional. Use this if you want candidates' results to be automatically emailed to someone when each candidate completes the project.
The inactive tick box can be selected if you want to create the project but not set it as live yet. When you're ready to open the project you can just go back in later to edit the project and untick this box.
Now choose the test(s) you would like included in your project.
Type is where you select the type of test. Once you've selected this you can then select the specific Test within that category (often there is only one option to chose from in the Test dropdown). Next chose the Norm group you would like to compare your candidates' results against. You can read more about norm groups here.
1d. Click Save and your project is ready to go!
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