For clients integrated with Workable, these are some of the common questions that come up.
Q: How can I re-send a candidate assessment email?
A: A candidate might not receive the email because their email client categorised it as spam or is blocking the email. First ask the candidate to check their spam or junk folder. Next, you could try re-sending the email from within the Test Partnership portal. To do this navigate to
Results > [select the assessment] > Re-send Email.
Also in the Test Partnership portal you can check the status of whether an email was delivered or not by navigating to Account > My Account > Email Activity.
Q: A candidate has asked for extra time
A: Sometimes candidates are entitled to extra time to accommodate a disability. If a candidate contacts you about this you can enable extra time in the Test Partnership portal by navigating to
Candidates > List > [select one] > Edit > Extra Time
Q: What do the scores mean?
A: All scores are given relative to a norm group. This means your candidates’ score are compared against scores of lots of other people so you can see relatively how well they did. With a score of 12 out of 30 for example, we don't know if that's a high score or low score until we know what other people scored. For example the test might be really hard and most people score below 5 out of 30. This is where normed scores come in.
The assessment scores sent to Workable are ‘sten scores’ which are normed scores out of ten. One being the lowest score and ten being the highest. Sten scores follow a normal distribution with most people falling in in the 4-6 range.
When you download and open the PDF reports you can see percentile scores as well as sten scores. Percentile scores are similar to sten scores in that they are normally distributed, except percentile is out of 100. A score of the 30th percentile represents a score higher than 30% of the other scores in the norm group.
This normal distribution shows the distribution of sten and percentile scores.