
Testing Candidates Remotely

Candidates can take their test from anywhere with an internet connection. Some clients prefer to have their clients take their test remotely (from home for example), while others prefer to have candidates come into their office. We have a separate FAQ article for testing candidates in your office, but there isn't really much difference to the procedure; the only difference is whether you put your candidate's email address or your email address.

When you register a new candidate, one of the fields you have to complete is email address. Just enter the candidate's email address and they will receive an automatic email with all the details they need to start their tests. It's then up to them where they take the test. 


1. Click 'Candidates' in the green menu bar.

2. Click 'Create'.

3. Complete the following fields:

Project, First Name, Last Name, Email, User Name.

4. Click Save and your candidate will receive an email inviting them to take part in your project.



The only difference when you are testing candidates in your office is that you put your email address in the email field. Then you will receive the invitation email with test login details. So then you will be able to set up the test ready to go before the candidate arrives and have them take the test at any computer.



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