When a new candidate is added we automatically email them their username and a password. However sometimes candidates delete or can't find the email, so here is how to re-send it.
1) Send a new Password
To resend the password either you or the candidate can go to the main login page (https://www.tptests.com) and click 'Forgotten your password' next to the login button. We don't store passwords (for security reasons) but this will send a new randomly-generated password to the email address on file for the candidate. If you're not sure what email this is going to go to, check the Candidate record by logging into your client area and go to the Candidates section. You will see a list of your candidates. Select the one you want to check and click Edit. This will show you the email address associated with that candidate and where all their emails go to. If this isn't right, just change it and click Save. But if you do change their email address we don't automatically re-resend all the previous emails, so you will need to perform any actions (such as password reset) again.
2) Resend a Username
You can see all candidates' usernames by logging into your client area and going to the Candidates section. You can see usernames in the list and edit any of them by selecting one and clicking Edit. If you want to re-send the username and 'welcome email' to the candidate please go to the Results section. Select the candidate you want and then click Re-send Email. This will send an email to the candidate with a link to take the test and their username. It will not re-send their password. Note: we don't recommend changing usernames ones as it can get confusing to keep track of each candidate and this action doesn't re-send any login details. Instead of changing usernames we recommend just making the old one inactive and creating a new username. Remember credits are deducted only when a test is starts, so you can add as many candidates as you like without additional charge.
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