
My Candidate Can't Log In

This is a common request and here are the most frequent reasons why:

1) They're trying to register instead of log in.  On the log in page ( there are options to login and to register. Sometimes candidates get the wrong box. Candidates must use the box that says 'Candidate Log In' not 'Candidate Registration'

2) Extra spaces. Sometimes when candidates copy-paste details from their welcome email they include extra blank spaces before or after their username or password. Please make sure candidates enter details exactly as they appear in the email without any extra spaces before or after.

3) Forgotten password. The first time a candidate is added to the system they are emailed a randomly-generated password. If they forget this or delete the email they can click 'Forgotten your password?' on the login page ( and we will email them a new one. Note we don't store passwords; instead we issue them with a new randomly-generated password. If they do use the forgotten password feature make sure the candidate is using the new password not the old one. Sometimes candidates suddenly remember their old password but this will not work as it is superseded by the new randomly-generated one.

4) You have changed their username. Sometimes, a candidate is added and they get their username and password emailed to them. But then, the client edits their username to something different. If this happens the candidate doesn't automatically get told that you've changed their username so they are still trying to log in with the old one which won't work.

If none of these solve the problem please get get in touch and we can help!



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